Foot Reflexology is a wonderful, relaxing holistic therapy where pressure is applied to specific points on the feet, to promote health and wellbeing in other parts of the body.
It is based on the belief that these reflex points correspond to different organs and systems in the body.
Reflexology is based on traditional Chinese medicine and it is the same theory that underlies acupuncture and acupressure.
It is believed that life is activated by an energy force known as Qi or Chi. This is our vital force or life force that flows through the body in energy
pathways called meridians.
Any congestion in a meridian manifests as an imbalance in the body.
Twelve of the fourteen major meridians of the body either begin or end in the hands and feet. Reflexologists can apply pressure to points on these meridians.
Your first therapy will last around 1 hour because we will need to complete a consultation form to discuss your general health. The actual treatment will last 45 minutes.
You will take your shoes and socks off and lie down on the therapy couch. A towel will be placed under each foot. I will gently clean your feet before we begin the treatment.
The treatment will start with a gentle lower leg and foot massage to relax you, and also warm up your muscles.
I will then begin the reflexology therapy, double checking with you at different points to ensure you are happy and comfortable with the pressure being applied.
Although foot reflexology is a wonderful, non-invasive and generally safe therapy for most people, it is important to know that it can be powerful.
For this reason, upon requesting a reflexology appointment, you will be asked to complete and send back the pre-treatment questionnaire prior to your appointment.
Stress Reduction
Reflexology promotes deep relaxation and helps to alleviate stress and tension throughout the body, leading to a sense of calm and wellbeing.
Pain Relief
When the body is relaxed, it can start to heal itself. By targeting specific reflex points on the feet, reflexology can help alleviate various types of pain, including headaches, back pain, and muscle soreness.
Improved Circulation
Reflexology techniques stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can enhance circulation throughout the body. This helps in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues while promoting detoxification.
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