Chakrascension™ is a form of energy therapy. It works on the human energy system by activating and balancing its main chakras. These are energy centres located along the spine and up into the head. It uses symbols, channelled from the Blessed Ascended Masters, which transmit Ascended Master energy into the chakras.
Chakrascension™ was channelled to Robert and Alan from the Ascended Masters and has been developed over the last 20 years.
The Ascended Masters are gentle and kind beings who exist in spirit and help humanity evolve spiritually. They have no link to any religious beliefs.
Reiki is a type of energy healing and is a complementary therapy. Reiki works with universal life force which is an intelligent energy. The Japanese word 'Reiki' means universal energy. It aims to relax you, ease stress and tension and help with wellbeing.
Chakrascension™ is also a type of energy healing but this works specifically with the Ascended Masters and the chakra system. Chakrascension™ can be described as a more spiritual energy therapy if this is something you are looking at developing.
The client can have a seated treatment or lie on a therapy couch whilst the therapist works within their energy field.
There is no physical contact.
Anyone can have Chakrascension™, as it is a gentle, energy therapy. However it is not advisable to have it if you are pregnant (especially during the first trimester).
Chakrascension™ is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is an alternative holistic therapy that promotes relaxation and a sense of calm.
Children under the age of 18 need their parents consent and a chaperone with them during the treatment.
The Studios is an older building and unfortunately does not have a disabled access. There is also a flight of stairs up to the treatment room, which is on the first floor.
Boho Balance offers a 30 minute taster session or a 60 minute treatment of Chakrascension™.
Chakrascension™ can create a sense of wellbeing as your energy centres are balanced; it benefits you on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
It can induce a sense of deep relaxation as you connect with the energies of the Ascended Masters.
It can heighten your connection with the Ascended Masters and may give you access to their guidance and wisdom.
Chakrascension™ can remove energy blockages which may support your body’s own healing capacity.
It can be used as a tool for personal and spiritual development. It can assist you in understanding your unique journey in this existence.
Chakrascension™ is a powerful tool for healing but its purpose is also to help in the expansion of human consciousness and to accelerate the spiritual growth of humanity.
Boho Balance
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